On the Road Again.... Along the Gilliland Trail!

I thought I'd share just a few "on the road" photos for those of you who have never had the opportunity to visit the Virginia/West Virginia trails followed by the family of Nathan Gilliland and his descendants.



A couple of pics of Greenbrier County, WV. A gorgeous part of the country that lives up to the state's "Wild and Wonderful" motto.

On my way from Lewisburg in Greenbrier County to Warm Springs in Bath County, Virginia I came across this beautiful waterfall.

The village of Warm Springs is picturesque but very tiny. I parked the car at the public library and just behind the lot was this great old barn.


Those of you who are familiar with the old Scots-Irish settlement in Augusta County, Virginia will recognize the "Borden Grant". Here are some photos taken along Borden Grant Trail.