This is a small portion of an 1887 Harrison & Handley map of Greenbrier County that has been republished by the Greenbrier Historical Society. Due east of Frankford you'll find the land belonging to C. Gillilan. I believe this to be Charles W. Gillilan (5/4/1843-10/24/1916) who was buried at Frankford Cemetery.

Click on thumb for larger image


The whole map (not shown here), which measures 25"x30", is great for study as it shows all the old districts, geographic place names, plus the names of the landowners. The price for this b&w map is a mere $6.50 plus shipping. The Greenbrier Historical Society also has a gorgeous 1836 color map of Virginia that includes, of course, present-day West Virginia. That 18" x 27" map is only $10. These are a steal and can be had simply by contacting the Greenbrier Historical Society.

See for more information on the maps and other research materials available for purchase.

– Kate Maynard